Windows 95 Easter Egg found in Internet Mail and News after so many years

Have fun for the weekend. In Windows 95, Albacore found an Easter egg in the mail program after so many years. Easter eggs are often integrated into games and programs that are sometimes very funny.

This is a running banner that lists everyone involved in the Microsoft Internet Mail and News (Microsoft Athena [THOR] program. Albacore has also explained how it came about. "I'm trying to get the Windows 95 Product Team Easter- Egg (to help a friend find out when it was introduced). And when I looked up people's names in operating system files, I found a list of names in mailnews.dll, which I just wanted to see instead."

If you start in the start menu -> Programs -> Internet Mail and then open via Help => Via Microsoft Internet Mail and News you can mark comctl.dll in the new small window. Now you simply type MORTIMER on the keyboard and the running banner shows all the names. It's funny.

Anyone who no longer has Windows 95 in their drawer can still try it out. Download Windows 95 as an app, unzip, start and then follow the path. Entering the email address can be canceled.

In the link from Albacore, he once attached that as an animation. In the meantime, Albacore has found another hidden function. This is in the shell32.

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