Nivea's app uses Artificial Intelligence to analyze women's skin

After analyzing more than 20 million images corresponding to more than 10,000 women, Nivea's Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology is ready to identify problems and recommend the best treatments to users of the Nivea Skin Guide application. According to the brand, the objective is to ensure that all women adopt a face care routine appropriate to the specifics of their skin.

It all starts with a selfie. From here, the web app analyzes the skin and recommends the most suitable day cream. After 12 analyzes, a personalized routine is created that takes into account the individual needs of each woman.

Nivea explains that it takes 12 tests to get to the right routine because the skin is renewed, on average, in 28 days. For this reason, to assess the real condition of the skin in a reliable way, the analyzes must take place in this period of time.

According to the brand, the Nivea Skin Guide app is able to determine the age, firmness, uniform tone and smoothness of the skin from the photo submitted. As it is a web app, it is not necessary to install it on the mobile phone. Just take a selfie and upload it to the online platform.

“It is recommended that the face is without make-up, clean and dry, having the hair pulled back, without glasses, with eyes open and without laughing. It is a bit like the biometric photograph of the citizen / passport card ”, explains Nivea in a statement.

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