This Giant PlayStation 5 with 3 meters high costs $ 70,000 and works

And when we think we've seen it all, then the Internet surprises us with yet another caricature novelty. This time it is a giant PlayStation 5 that measures 3 meters in height, costs 70 thousand dollars and, in addition, it also works.

Sony's XXL console also features a proportional-sized DualSense controller.

Giant PlayStation 5 costs $ 70,000

The YouTuber ZHC mounted a huge PlayStation 5 that is 3 meters high and weighs no less than an incredible 226 kg. Altogether, the construction of the XXL console cost 70 thousand dollars, about 58 thousand euros, in a direct conversion to the current exchange rate.

But the most incredible thing is that the console really works. And for that, it also has an equally giant DualSense remote.

ZHC and his team assembled and customized the huge PlayStation 5, however, the YouTuber does not clarify the supplier where you ordered it. Furthermore, it also did not justify why he had spent an enormous amount of money on this megalomaniac console. But it will probably be to promote views on your channel.

Customizing the console was a lengthy process and painting alone took about 100 hours.

But this is not the first time that the YouTuber, together with his team, has dedicated himself to experimenting with large technological equipment. Recently ZHC also made a video where he paints the largest iPhone 12 in the world.

However, there is a solidarity side to these experiences. The YouTuber donated money and even state-of-the-art consoles from Sony to children with terminal illnesses and difficulties and various needs.

The YouTuber and his team also used the console a few times to play Minecraft. But this is a real challenge for people of normal size before a giant command. Anyway, it was still possible to make some constructions in the game.

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