PlayStation 5 processor captured in high-detail photos

Fritzchens Fritz specializes in capturing artistic images of processors found in popular devices and has now turned its lenses to Sony's new generation console chips

While Sony is unable to satisfy all orders for PlayStation 5 that the market has been requesting, the owners of the new console are sharing details of those they already have in their hands. This is the case of Fritzchens Fritz, who was described by PCGamesN as the 'silicon pornographer', which shows photos of high resolution and rare beauty focused on the chips that make up the PS5.

In addition to monochrome photographs with many of the details, there is the image that accompanies this article and that shows the liquid metal interface used to control the chip temperature.

Fritz's Flickr page contains all the images that the artist took on the new Sony console, but you can also find his other works there.

A possible map of all the components we found on the chip was shared on Twitter and retweeted by Fritz.

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