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Whatever be the pain, it can be excruciating, but when it comes to toothache, it is not less than any difficulty.  If there is a sudden toothache while eating something, then the pleasure of eating can be spoiled.  In addition, tingling in the teeth can be really painful.  Many times people take toothache medicine, but sometimes toothache occurs at a time when even the option of a doctor is not possible. 

 In such a situation, in this article of Stylecrase, we are going to tell home remedies for toothache.  Many people do not want to take medicine for toothache, in such a situation, the home remedies for toothache mentioned in this article can be beneficial.  So without further delay, read the article on Home Remedies for Toothache

Symptoms of Tooth Pain – Symptoms of Tooth Pain

 Along with pain in the tooth, there can be a lot of discomfort in the mouth.  Apart from this, other symptoms of a toothache can be as follows (1) –

 Pain or tingling in the teeth while chewing anything.
Sensitivity to cold or hot food.
Bleeding from the teeth and weakening of the gums.
Swelling of jaw and face.
How can it be beneficial?

Talking about home remedies for toothache, clove can be an effective remedy

Actually, according to a study published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information), long ylang oil has been used as herbal medicine.  Clove oil's main constituents are eugenol and acetyl eugenol, which may provide anti-inflammatory and analgesic (painkiller) benefits.  In such a situation, its use can be a panacea for a toothache (4) (5).  Although more research is needed about this, but it can be used for short-term relief.

Apart from this, be careful not to use it excessively because it can cause sore throat, vomiting, kidney, liver problems or even breathing problems (6).  In such a situation, if anyone has any health problem, then definitely consult a specialist before using it.

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