WhatsApp security, what do we do with the bugs?

That bugs endanger the security of WhatsApp is something we all know since it is not too far away. If we think about those times that we have read on the Internet about locks, spy files, or hacking of private conversations, we can already get an idea of ​​what we have

The application, owned by Facebook and the most used instant messaging program in the world, works quite well but like everything automatic, it suffers from small altercations that we cannot control. Although in most cases it does not mean anything, it does give us "that scare" in terms of our privacy.

What can we do if we are victims of a WhatsApp bug?

Although they are not frequent, bugs can destroy the security of WhatsApp from one moment to another. One fine day we are talking to our friends via chat or videoconference and suddenly everything is blocked and we cannot even know for sure what happened.

Although not all come in the same way, so that we can be calm if we are victims of this type of attack, it is best to uninstall the application, turn off the phone and start it again after a while. As simple as it may seem, the solution is what is recommended -also leave group X if it happened here- since no one knows what its real origin is or its intentions.

A good example of this occurred at the end of 2019 when a malicious message arrived in a joint chat - sent by one of the members from the manipulation - that caused the group itself to disappear. From the XMPP communication protocol, the app stopped and users were completely blocked. You remember?

Bug Tracking, A Form Of Whatsapp Security

Reviewing the history of bugs that the application has had helps us realize how important it is to keep up to date with bugs. In order to enhance the security of WhatsApp and see what the response that users have to this, some technology information portals are collecting good data in this regard.

Whether we want to read it as an anecdote or if we look for it to be aware of what is happening, it is a good idea for portals with volumes of visits to report on each of the past details, give the advice to protect our devices or any other related thing.

On the Internet, we find many sites where we can read advice for the application and cybersecurity in general. Paying attention to what we are told here - always look for trustworthy portals - is a way of keeping our data safe and gaining a little field against any attack.

The safety of WhatsApp, as of any other device from which we communicate to the world, must be the day and, although it may suffer its small cracks, learn quickly how to protect the information we release from here is essential to avoid falling again in the trap. You follow us?

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