This is the reason why Elon Musk destroys his smartphones on a regular basis

As a general rule, when one acquires a smartphone it is with the intention that it can last a couple of years. Although it is true that many lovers of technology tend to change smartphones every so often, as a general rule selling their previous device at a good price, there are some quite special users who have other more radical ways of changing smartphones.

Elon Musk is one of them. Co-founder of PayPal or Tesla Motors among others, thanks to Business Insider we have been able to know that the famous entrepreneur regularly changes his mobile phone. The truth is that this is not something strange, you will not be the first person to acquire many phones on a regular basis, the funny thing is that it does so in a very particular way.

Instead of selling or even giving an acquaintance or relative his old phone, good old Elon prefers to destroy it so as not to leave evidence of its existence.

Very jealous of his privacy: Elon Musk prefers to destroy his phones from time to time

According to an employee of SpaceX, a company whose founder is Musk, the businessman regularly changes his mobile device for security reasons and to protect his confidential information. Although sometimes these devices are simply erased and saved, most of the time they are completely destroyed.

Elon Musk does not want anything in his private or professional life to fall into the wrong hands - as happened to good old Andy Rubin and the sex scandal that sparked him -. You also don't want any kind of information you can work on leaking out, so you prefer to nip your old phones in the bud and turn them into totally useless devices.

Although it may seem that Elon Musk behaves like a paranoid, the truth is that a person of his importance and with the information he handles cannot behave the same as any other user. Apparently, for Elon, any measure of protection seems small. What we don't know is which phones it has broken so far. Will it be iPhones or Android phones? Cheap or expensive?

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