The Simpsons: theory explains why Homer always has money and the internet explodes

You notice that The Simpsons must have gone bankrupt decades ago but Homer always has money? This theory explains a dark secret.

Another day, another shocking theory about The Simpsons that ends up going viral. Now that Disney Plus has been launched in Latin America, love for the series has been reborn among former devotees who stayed away.

Although the legendary seasons are absent from the platform, what is available works as a very effective means to update us on the current situation of the animated series.

Which would have led many to wonder something very sensible: How is it that The Simpsons have never gone completely bankrupt and Homer always has money? Well, the internet has an answer.

The key is in your job

In recent days, an interesting perspective on the family's apparent economic stability has begun to circulate on websites dedicated to sharing theories about this yellow family.

This story claims that in reality Homer, as the person in charge of the security of the Springfield Nuclear Plant, would be being permanently bribed by Mr. Burns.

The idea is that the elder would keep his head of security's bank account fed so that he remains as productive and effective in his position as he has been all this time.

So that Mr. Burns can keep the plant open with everything "in order" and Homer can give himself the opportunity to have those crazy adventures that would cost any other family a fortune.

It should be noted that this is not the first theory to emerge trying to explain how The Simpsons are financially supported.

At some point, we share another theory that talks about royalties earned by his stage as Homer's musical star.

But this new version seems to be juicier and more outrageous.

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