The facade of Win10's new UI! Teach you to enable the new boot animation of Win10

We know that Microsoft willfully paves the new UI in this year's new version of Win10 21H2. At that time, Win10's start menu, taskbar, notification center, resource manager, and other components will use the new Fluent Design design.

However, the first aspect of the new UI that users see must be the boot animation. Now, the opportunity to enjoy the new boot animation of Win10 in advance is here!

According to reports, Microsoft has deployed a redesigned boot animation in advance of the newly released preview version of Win10. Let's take a look at the opening method.

This method comes from a foreign developer "NTDEV", you can also click the link below to view his original Twitter.

First of all, you need to make sure that the current Win10 version is Windows 10 Build 20279/21292, for this you need to join the Insider channel first. Among them, Windows 10 Build 20279 was released in December last year, and Build 21292 was released in mid-January this year.

Then, open the system registry, you can enter it by searching for "registry", or run "regedit" to open it.

In the address bar of the registration form, enter the following path:


Then, right-click "BootControl", add a DWORD value named BootProgressAnimation, and set it to 1.

After restarting the computer, the new Win10 boot animation will appear.

It is reported that this new Win10 boot animation is consistent with Win10X. It can be seen that, in fact, the new Win10 boot animation has not changed much, but the rotating dots have become continuous line trajectories.

With the approach of the new version of Win10 21H2, more and more new UI elements will appear in the recently released preview version, let us continue to pay attention.

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