How To Create A Multilingual Blogger/Blogspot Blog With or Without Custom Domain

A multilingual blog gives added advantage to the blogger to present his website to a larger audience with the same effort. In a multilingual blog, you can present your website to visitors in their local language. However, there are many tweaks required to do this. And when it comes to a Google Hosted blog (, it is a little difficult as you do not have any control over the hosting part and very little access to the backend. But, in this article, we are going to take you through the complete setup process through which you can set your existing or new Blogger / Blogspot website to a multilingual site.

There are many options available if it is a self-hosted blog like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, or a customized website. But when it comes to Blogger, we have limited resources to edit things the way we want. So, in this article, we are going to explain a method that makes the feature available to translate your entire site depending upon the user choice. Check the demo site and see the function available at the bottom right corner.


Requirements to set up a multilingual site

1. Login access to blogger admin panel

2. A piece of code (we will provide the readymade code)

Why you need to set up a multilingual website?

There are thousands of languages ​​in the world and different people have their own native languages. However, many business owners today continue to assume that everyone is fluent in English and that English is sufficient for their websites.

But according to Statista statistics, although English has the highest share of users, it is only spoken by slightly more than 25% of people in the world. Chinese comes in second place with just under 20%, and remember that China is the country with the highest share of Internet users (with 52.2%).

How to set up your blogger site to a multilingual site?

Below are the steps required to complete the multilingual setup.

Step 1

1. Log in to your account with your email and password.

2. Click on "Theme" => "Customize" (Down Arrow), => "Edit HTML".

3. Click anywhere on the HTML area that opens in front of you and Press "Ctrl + F" from your Keyboard.

4. Type "</body>" and Press the "Enter" key from your Keyboard.

Step 2

1. Just copy the entire code given below and paste it just above "</body>".

<!-- Floating Translate Bar -->
background-color: #f9f007;
<script type='text/javascript'>
font-size:13px;} </style>
document.getElementById(&quot;bsadsheadline&quot;).style.display = &#39;none&#39;;
function getValue() { } </script>
<div id='bloggerspicesflotads'>
<div id='bsadsheadline'>
<div id='google_translate_element'/><script>
function googleTranslateElementInit() {
pageLanguage: &#39;en&#39;
new google.translate.TranslateElement({ }, &#39;google_translate_element&#39;);
</script><script src=''/> &#38; <a href="">Tekfiz</a></p></div></div>
<!-- Floating Translate Bar -->

2. Save your HTML file and that's all.

The translation feature perform out of the box and this will make each visitor change the language with ease and this will make your content available in more than 250 languages and surprisingly gets crawled and index in Google search too.

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