"Cyberpunk 2077" 1.1 major update has been launched: fix a lot of bugs

IT House News on January 23 "Cyberpunk 2077" 1.1 major update is now available for PC, host and Stadia, providing a large number of bug fixes. Developer CD Projekt Red also stated on Twitter that this update "lays the foundation for future patches."

More than a month after the launch of "Cyberpunk 2077", the 1.1 patch finally arrived. This game has been plagued by bugs, especially on older consoles, but CD Projekt Red has released three hot patches to try to fix some problems. Sony withdrew the game from the PlayStation store on December 17, and began to provide a full refund, the game still has not returned to the store.

IT Home understands that CD Projekt Red has announced another major patch earlier this month, which the studio described as a "bigger and more important update" that will be "in a few weeks" after this patch Arrivals. The studio also plans to release a free update in the second half of 2021 to optimize games for PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X.

"Cyberpunk 2077" version 1.1 updates are as follows:

In this update, we mainly made improvements to many aspects of stability. You can learn about the summary in the release notes below. We will continue this work in version update 1.2 and other subsequent updates. At the same time, we will continue to correct the errors that you encounter in the game and listen to your feedback on how to improve the overall game experience.


Various stability optimizations, including:

  • Optimized memory usage for multiple systems in the game, including characters, interaction, navigation, in-game video (news, advertisements, etc.), vegetation, laser effects, small maps, equipment, AI, street traffic, environmental destruction systems, And GPU-related content and so on.
  • Fixed many issues that caused crashes (related but not limited to reading archives, opening/closing games, key turning points, etc.)

Mission / Open World

  • Fixed an issue where Dramman would immediately hang up when calling from the mission "The Way Home" and it seemed that Dramman could not answer.
  • Fixed an issue where players would not receive a call from Dramman when approaching related vehicles in the mission "The Way Home".
  • Fixed an issue where the target would get stuck at the step of "answering Mr. Heinz's call" in the mission "When will the prey come".
  • Fixed an issue where Judy would teleport to the ground in the mission "Song of the Pyramids".
  • Fixed an issue where it was impossible to talk to Zen masters in the mission "Atomic Poem".
  • Fixed an issue where Bamboo Village would not call in the mission "Old Friends on the Barren Street".
  • Fixed an issue where Jack would disappear in the mission "Get Goods".
  • Fixed an issue that prevented getting off the car in the mission "Beast in the Heart: Life and Death Competition".
  • Fixed an issue where players would not be able to receive calls and messages if they were too far away from the mission "Normal Day" area.
  • Fixed an issue where opening the package would not update the steps of the mission "Wonderful Things".
  • In the quest "Advanced Animals", there will be a rare problem that cannot talk to Judy due to the air wall. Roll back and fix archives affected by this issue. We are investigating the cause of the problem.
  • Fixed an issue where players could not get rewards for the mission "Delegation: Freedom of the Press". For players who could not get rewards before, this task will be automatically completed and rewards will also be automatically obtained.
  • Fixed an issue where if the player refused to help Dramman at the beginning of the mission "The Way Home", Dramman would not speak during the whole mission.


  • Fixed an issue where the prompt to exit the Super Dream experience was missing.
  • Removed invalid pickup items.


  • Fixed an issue where the grenade's trajectory would be displayed in the photo mode.
  • Fixed the issue that the color of particles was displayed as pink under close viewing angle.
  • Fixed an issue where vehicles could not be generated correctly in the mission "Crime Report: Welcome to the Night City".


  • Fixed the issue that sometimes after completing all commissions and police channel cases in the Santo Domingo area, the achievement "Jungle" could not be triggered because the individual attack cases were not counted correctly.


  • Solved the problem of excessive archive size (related to the entry description when making the item), and deleted the unnecessary size of the existing archive (note: PC archive files damaged before the 1.06 update cannot be repaired).
  • Fixed an issue where opening the weapon ring and performing an operation would sometimes cause subsequent operations to fail.
  • Fixed the problem that the "Continue" button in the main menu may read the final disk archive.

PC exclusive

  • Achievements are now also available in Steam offline mode. Note: Offline mode needs to be enabled before starting the game. This change cannot be retroactively applied to past content.
  • Fixed a crash when the game is started when reading the cache of the NVIDIA graphics card.

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